When you travel for a few weeks you naturally gain a lot of experience. It is nice to share some of them in this blog. Let me start with a very positive experience concerning a walking app.

The avid hiker has probably known it for a long time, but we have only just discovered the AllTrail hiking app. All the hiking trails that we wanted to do so far were listed in this app. You get exactly the right information about the route. Of course about the distance, but also whether it is a round trip or a single journey. How much altitude difference has to be covered, etc. etc. All basic information about the route, but what is really an addition is that when you deviate from the route, you get a notification on your phone or on your watch. We really needed this for certain routes in Spain, which were poorly signposted. Ideal, otherwise we would still be walking now :-) The app is available for Apple and Android . It is not only about hiking trails in Spain, but worldwide. A subscription costs only € 30, - per year.
A handy preview function of the route is also available
Now you might think that I have shares in the AllTrails app or that I get paid for every download, but that is not the case. So no advertising, just a positive experience of my own. Now that I am talking about advertising, what is that bol.com advertisement doing in between the texts? When you click on it and you buy something via the site, we get a small percentage of it. That does not matter to you, you pay the normal price and we earn a little bit from it. In this way we hope to be able to earn back the costs of this website. The costs are around € 350 per year and it would be great if we could pay for that from the bol.com income. So if you want to support us and you need something from Bol, first click on the banner below and then do your normal thing. Many thanks in advance, you help us enormously with it.
Gas bottle
After three weeks of travelling we discovered that the gas is going faster than expected. The past two years I have been using a large gas bottle for more than half a year, but now 40% was used up after one month. The difference will undoubtedly be due to Richard's students' culinary skills and Kelly's haute cuisine cooking skills. Kelly cooks an excellent meal every evening, but that also costs a bit more gas than I had estimated. What now? In Spain and Portugal you cannot fill or exchange the Dutch gas bottle. Buying a new gas bottle is also a hassle here. Your gas installation must first be inspected by an official body. So that means being frugal in the coming period.
"One of the advantages of living abroad is that at least when you watch TV you don't understand the commercials."
You can be economical by, for example, occasionally eating noodles with water from the kettle. That saves quite a bit of gas. Then of course the kettle has to keep working. Unfortunately that was not the case. Last week it suddenly stopped working and a new one had to be bought. However, that was easier said than done. We heard from Spanish acquaintances that kettles are not that common in Spain. And we noticed that! We searched high and low for a suitable model. Because they do exist, for example at MediaMarkt, but they are models that require too much power. The electrical installation of Globus can only handle about 1500 Watts, while most kettles are well over 2000 Watts. We visited various camping shops and camper shops, but unfortunately without result. Finally in Santiago de Compostella, what a nice city that is by the way, we were able to find one at the Carrefour. A model with only half a litre capacity and only 650 Watts. But that should not spoil the fun We are saved!

Where are we?
3,241 km since our departure. On October 3, we crossed the border between Spain and Portugal at the only National Park, Peneda-Gerés, that Portugal has. There are many beautiful walks to be made here again. I even swam in a waterfall. I can cross that off my bucket list. Unfortunately, the weather is not so nice at the moment and they predict a lot of rain for the rest of the coming week, so we are thinking of quickly going further south after that.
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See you in the next blog!