They say that life is a party, but you have to hang the streamers yourself. For us, the streamers were hung last month. We had two parties to celebrate.

100th blog
The first party is that this is our 100th blog. Wow, the hundredth! Two and a half years ago we started writing blogs about the conversion of our Globus. The entire conversion process was recorded to inspire other people and they could learn from our experiences. After all, we ourselves also scoured the entire internet for information. At the time, the blogs were clicked by about 100 to 200 people and now our blogs are read between 1,500 and 5,000 times. We are proud of this and we would like to thank everyone for following our stories! All blogs about the conversion can be found here .
"A party creates a sense of community because you celebrate together"

There was another party. Last Thursday was my farewell party at Weleda. They did not let that pass unnoticed. After 14 years and 7 months it is time for a new big step. During the annual Weleda summer party there was also attention for my departure. There were speeches by my boss from Switzerland, who had come over especially for this occasion and my colleague director. There were also nice presents such as a farewell book with contributions from all employees, new rims for Globus and special home-brewed Weleda Limoncello. All in the presence of my family and while enjoying delicious food and drinks, music and beautiful weather. What a great evening and a valuable memory for me.
I have always taken the farewell of employees seriously when writing speeches and organizing receptions. Now I could experience firsthand how important they are. Herman van Dijn (philosopher) explains in his book ' Rituals. Why we can't do without them ' why rituals are so important in our lives. According to him, without rituals people have no natural or rational way to deal with major moments in life.
The weekend after the party I was grumpy and I didn't really know why. I had just had such a great party and was still enjoying reading 'the farewell book'. Poor Kelly who had to suffer a bit because of my mood. Until I suddenly realized that this was mourning. Yes of course, I am going to do something wonderful, on a great adventure. At the same time I am also leaving something behind that I love. Weleda was "my" company. The role that I was allowed to play there also determined my identity to a large extent. Now that is gone and I am choosing an uncertain future. When I realized that and said it out loud, my grumpy mood disappeared almost immediately. It is okay for it all to hurt a little.
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See you in the next blog!