Everyone wants to experience miracles in life, right? But how can you make sure that you get more miracles on your path? We have been in Morocco for almost two weeks now and to be honest, we have to get used to it quite a bit. Besides the fact that it is so different from 'ours', it is a country with many contrasts. And then there is the broken windshield, anything but miracles, you could say.

Switch over
What a mess and chaos it is in this country. Every village you enter means chaos and you have to be able to handle that a bit. I personally like that. You have to dare to squeeze through the traffic. We take our route counterclockwise. So first along the coast to the south and then travel north via the interior. I think we are doing well there, because to be honest, the first few hundred kilometers are not very special in terms of natural beauty. It is just as flat as in the Netherlands and it is mostly vast fields with only yellow stones. As far as the eye can see.
Does the country disappoint us? No, definitely not! The broken windshield didn't help of course and I really hate the mountains of plastic that you see everywhere, but for the rest the contrasts and the big differences with our country are very interesting. It just took a while for the country to 'grab' us. Now that we have been on the road for a while and have arrived in the south, we are seeing more and more of the beauty of the country.
The Anti-Atlas Mountains we drove through today were truly beautiful. We truly experience this as a miracle. Just like the fact that we met each other a year and a half ago, we dared to quit our jobs and now we can enjoy the mountains together. A modest miracle perhaps, but one of enormous size.
“When every day seems the same, you have become blind to the miracles of your existence.”
Experience more wonders
How can you make sure that you experience more miracles? I took part in a course last year* where they had a beautiful view on this. You experience more miracles:
If you have 100% confidence that the miracles will actually come your way. So not 99% confidence, because that actually means you have no confidence.
If you have 100% patience for a miracle to come your way. When you expect a miracle it is actually no longer a miracle. If you want the miracle to come now or at least very soon you push it away.
If you can muster 100% forgiveness . Everything you experience takes place within yourself, it is your own interpretation of reality. In this way you may give up hope for a better past. We have almost all experienced terrible things in the past. Live in peace with what happened and forgive the people who did that to you. And true forgiveness is not that the other person must first say sorry...
When you are 100% grateful . Not just for the beautiful things, but for everything that comes your way. Nothing needs to be solved or changed. Everything that comes your way is helpful and serves your highest plan. With your ratio you probably don't know what that plan is exactly, but on an intuitive level you do know.
If you are 1% willing . Really 1% is enough, with 100% willingness your ego runs away.
*) Part of the Miracle Roadmap program of 365dagensuccesvol.nl .
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Wonders in Morocco
Back to Morocco. It is a miracle that we have found a suitable second-hand windshield for Globus 2. The landscape we are now driving through is wonderfully beautiful. It is a miracle how grateful and helpful the people here are with the little they have. It is a miracle that we have been given the opportunity to enjoy this together.

Where are we?
We are exactly 4,000 km away from the Netherlands and today we drove through the Anti-Atlas Mountains. We have seen nature change from vast bare plains to a beautiful mountainous area. We are starting to feel more and more at ease. This week there was finally a big walk on the schedule. Which we enjoyed immensely. It was therefore high time that we put on our walking shoes again.
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